Thursday, September 21, 2000

The Happy Thought.



連續三天晚上沒睡,只在上班途中打了一個多小時的盹;上班猛喝coffee,雖然這個習慣無異於我平日的生活,但看著杯子時的感受卻大不相同;工作時腦子 快要爆炸,卻得仍保持專業的在電腦前苦撐下去;縱然在站上跟朋友們打屁,但是心情卻始終好不起來;下班趕到醫院探視一下媽媽的情形,像昨晚開刀完從恢復室 出來時,看到躺在病床上的媽媽元氣大失的樣子,陪著護士推著病床經過許多病房時,忍住情緒,不過反映在身體上的卻怎麼掩飾也掩飾不了;一個人回家,看著家 中空無一人,知道接著一個星期將會這樣渡過;半夜坐在窗前抽煙,希望能藉著這陣空檔


Because the moment i found a happy thought that have already installed and keep encouraging me at all time . The thought appeared when i couldn't sleep, it appeared when i was napping, it appeared when i stood in front of my computer tasks, it appeared when i had just facing the
wheelbed away from me in the hospital, it appeared when i was smoking with bad thought, it appeared when i was alone, it appeares all the time, but i didn't notice and make it as a concern, instead, i treated it as another mass.

I realized if i keep torching myself like this without meeting the ending, i could never replace the most important matter to those tragedies and i will ruin, destroy, and make another ending replace ahead.


腦子恢復平時的清醒,寫東西也沒有一絲的絮亂感,所有的事情都找到了出路,就像那本來讓我認為是件difficulty的matter也可以變成 happy thought一樣。

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